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There are many ways your business can help BAF Voice in it’s efforts to discover talent and help children thrive as well as strengthen families bond. The main routes to help out are:
Gifts of cash
There’s no easier way to make an impact in a child’s life than to contribute to a child’s education and talent! Meaning your gift will be worth even more.
Gifts of time
There are many ways for you and your employees can get involved, ranging from one-time events (TV and Radio co-presenting or Decorating of event center, etc.) to year-long commitments (mentor a child or joining our board).
Gifts in-kind
BAF Voice has benefited from dozens of local businesses who have donated products, equipment, and labor. These gifts are tax-deductable, just like cash, and can make a huge difference.
Host a company fun-raiser Many companies offer events and activities for their employees throughout the year. Why not create an event that benefits BAF Voice. The sky is the limit on creative ways that you can raise fun, funds and awareness about BAF Voice and our programs.
Educational Scholarship

​Sponsor a student’s dream of going to college or Remain in school through a gift to the BAF Voice Scholarship Fund. In a community where public schools tuitions are 57% higher than the state average, even a small scholarship can make a huge difference in the life of a young person. Along with all other benefits, you will be updated with statement on how your fund is been used in the life of our sponsored teen. A sponsorship certificate of Teen Star Nigeria Education in partnership with Institute of Mentoring and Career Couching Nigeria (IMCCN)

T.S.N Final Event Venue

Sponsor our final Event venue, Light and Sound, Decoration, Awards and Multimedia to give this teens a platform to showcase the final hard work they have been putting together for you, the families, school administrators and invited guests. This is the ultimate part of the program that our teen look forward up to most and you can make it a reality. A public recognition will be accorded to you and your business among other benefits.

Media: TV & Radio Production

TSN Radio and TV is all about media publicity for teen talent hunt audition and event show. We intend to build brand loyalty for our sponsor’s targeted audience. We believe that what customer sees and hear tends to influence what they spend money on. That’s why sponsoring our Radio or TV program for a quarter or annually and Branding our event center will bring your business closer to your target audience. In addition to shuttling around town with our children during audition, our we will carry your business name and vision along and also our media team will do a documentary of your organization for free, among other benefits.

Audition Care & Celebrity

TSN Audition care & Celebrity helps to provide Refreshment, Customized Apparels, Educational materials, Security and Transportation for our young participants during school and Radio /TV audition.
This will provide parents the needed rest of mind to stay productive in their various work places knowing that your contribution made it possible.

Mentorship & Training

Teen Star Nigeria Mentoring is our highly-regarded career and
educational training program for children and youth. Teens that are 13 and up learn what it takes to enter the world of work by running e.g their own product or service business during holidays while also helping to monitor their educational performance in school.
As a TSN Mentoring sponsor, your company’s logo and activities will appear on the event stand which will be seen / heard by thousands of locals and tourists every day in the city of Abuja and Nigeria. We can even reserve space on the event stand to distribute your company’s brochure or marketing materials, among other benefits.

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